Information and Source Reliability charts- Bunk Information in the UFO/ Paranormal field
Something is very wrong with the UFO and paranormal culture these days. There are people out there who believe the most ridiculous and irrational claims, with an undying blind faith...
The UFO/ paranormal subject is the most important topic in our present day, in my opinion. It isn’t being considered as an area of serious study because of the many hoaxes and fabrications that exist in the field. When people are involved in fabricating information or hoaxing, this is a serious offense. Any false information being passed along as truth is completely detrimental to the entire field and to the individuals who are seeking enlightenment. Even minor fabrications that some may seem are harmless, because the message is positive, are absolutely damaging to the credibility of the phenomenon. These people who are embellishing facts, outright lying and making false claims are transmitting this information through very popular lectures, podcasts or radio shows. Millions of people are being taken advantage of because of their eagerness to learn. These eager people are seeking answers to spiritual questions or are looking for the truth about a very important subject, and the speakers are profiting from lies and fanciful stories. These speakers may be getting a positive message out to a wide audience and raising awareness of the UFO/ Paranormal subject, but they are doing more destruction than good. They are damaging the field and they are damaging people’s minds. They are adding confusion to an already convoluted subject. We need to try to prevent this from happening in the future. We need to put pressure on any groups who promote this confusion and create these outlandish sci-fi narratives.
We need to take action to try to repair this pandemic of absurdity and attempt to recover this very serious topic. We can do this by utilizing proper discrimination skills to better understand the experiences people are having. We need to establish a set of protocols to evaluate the source and the reliability of information. We need teams of the top people in this community to vet and dismiss these claims before they shame and discredit the entire fringe field. We need a team of academics and top minds of the field to deter and hinder charlatans by exposing them before they go viral. We need to educate new comers to the field and help them understand new ways to disseminate information logically and differentiate fact from allegorical claims. There are many ways to do this, but a good start would be using the following system. See the charts with the button on the left or visit Wikipedia page-
“intelligence source and information reliability”
Information can be logically disseminated… We need a new and improved system for examining UFO/ paranormal and unexplained phenomenon cases. Possibly a restricting or modification of our scientific method that will work for examining this phenomenon in a strict manner. We need to learn better ways of discerning valid data and put it through a system of data evaluation and scrutinize this material. We must look at the reliability of the witness or source of information, and understand if that source is legitimate or not. If you are skilled at this already, then show others how to do it. We can show our friends and colleagues new to this filed how to understand information reliability and how to assess data.
If we are using witness testimony and video footage of anomalous events as evidence, any hoaxing and false testimony by witnesses has crippling effects on the validity of the field. Hoaxes and fabrications become fuel for the debunkers and the close minded skeptics. These debunkers or heavy skeptics are growing in number, and are getting louder because of the hoaxing and the absurdity in the field.
It is extremely important for the entire phenomenon to be viewed as a credible area of study worth serious investigation by our best and brightest minds. If it is viewed by the scientific community and academics as a field full of nuts and loons, then it will suffer significantly. It is unfortunate, but that is the case at the present. Most academics and journalist won’t have anything to do with the UFO/ paranormal world due to the high level of lunacy and fabricated hoaxes.
Chris O’brien on the Paracast said “ What we are seeing here now is millions of people are buying into these absolute fairy tales that are being spun as fact. That to me is, at the very least, troublesome, irritating and a little alarming…”
One of the main problems that is embedded in UFO/ paranormal field is misinformation and blatant poison information. Let us put aside the agents that are inserting misinformation for a bit, and just look at the people who are going rampant on social media spreading this poison intentionally or unintentionally. I say it is poison because this misinformation and fictional fantasy told as truth, is poisoning the well of the true phenomenon studies. It taints the whole field so bad, that scientists and academics avoid becoming involved in serious study of the phenomenon due to the amount of irrationality that is inherent in this field and the stigmas that are attached to those whom become interested. Any serious journalists or academics cannot examine these topics because of the fear of ridicule and the threat of being discredited and shunned from their organizations, or worse, possibly losing funding or their jobs. Most academics say it is career suicide to get involved with these topics because of the ridicule that ensues. We have to try to recover the validity of this serious subject and we need to take measures to prevent the ridicule of academics and serious researchers who get involved in this subject.
People are failing to disseminate information logically, and they are not able to see the embellishment that is taking form in these deceiving narratives. As a result, absurdity prevails. Subscribers to this lunacy don’t realize that this information is being embellished to generate money or more traffic to a site. They do not take the time to check facts and vet these claims, read the history of related phenomenon, or examine and scrutinize the information in the slightest way. These absurd claims and ideas are spreading like new age viruses over the Unexplained Phenomenon subculture. These wacky ideas are being passed off as a new gospel of truth and light, and anyone who debates, questions or disagrees is quickly bashed as a negative naysayer, 'troll' or ‘shill’. People continue to spread these bunk claims and absurd ideas, and then proceed to argue their validity and point to various other irrelevant facts as evidence.
It has now gone off the rails on a crazy alien hive brain… We have guys saying they have been involved in a war in space, time traveling super soldiers, ET federation councils, and human slaves. These guys are preying on the minds of the gullible and doing some serious damage to younger audiences seeking knowledge in this field. The “Sphere Being Alliance” and “Blue Avians” are insane narratives that are taking the credibility away from the serious research in this field. These so-called whistle blowers are really doing serious damage to this field because they prevent or hinder other real whistle blowers who actually have important information to share. The real whistle blowers may now face unnecessary scrutiny and ridicule because of these charlatans. The true whistle blowers may decide to never share their information because they do not want to be cast in the same light as these frauds. This is the biggest problem in my opinion, and the reason why we have to fight to shut down these phoney sci-fi mouth breathers spreading trash information.
It seems that esteemed groups like MUFON are not about the science of the UFO phenomenon anymore. Serious research is being put aside for tall tales of sci-fi lunacy. MUFON it is catering to these ridiculous topics and a new UFO quazi religion is growing strong. Filling seats and making money seems to be more important to them thee days. And when Jan Hartzen was asked why he had time traveling super soldier, emapthic, earth delegate for an ET super federation council, speak at the symposium, he said that the audience should make up their own minds if it is true or not. Does that make any sense?! Allow some guys who have an incredibly crazy story with no evidence to back up their claims, to speak on stage and say that what they are saying is not fiction, and the audience should try to figure out if its true or not. The backing by huge groups like MUFON are supporting this poison information. These well organized speaker events are promoting this nonsense and passing it off as truth. People are thinking that there is some credibility to it because these guys are speaking at huge events.
There is so much bunk information out there in the UFO, paranormal world people dont know what to think anymore. People are sharing posting and re-posting articles and videos that are utter trash. These absurd claims and fantasy information is not verified or vetted in any serious way and is being passed off as evidence. These 'clickbait' articles and videos are copied from one website to another, crossing social media platforms and then considered the gospel of the new age. The more it is spread and shared the more people accept it as truth. People never seem to ask what the source or this information is, or what evidence exists that support these claims. They should be asking questions like, “Has it been considered at length by any serious researchers or academics in the field?” “Can we verify these claims ourselves? Does it derive from a credible source? Is it logical?" Those kind of questions would be smart to ask before accepting these wild claims brought forth by supposed whistle blowers.
We also have piles of fake footage being circulated that really discredit the field of the UFO/ paranormal study. We see obvious computer graphic images and videos everywhere, “clickbait” that being passed off as authentic footage that are really damaging the serious researchers doing important work. It muddies the water so badly that people cannot distinguish authentic cases from the fake ones. Some podcasts, websites and blogs blast photos and articles and discuss cases that are clearly untrue and phoney with the intention of getting traffic to their site or more subscriptions on YouTube. Some are motivated by greed and others just seek attention or are feeding their egos.
Can we begin to repair this maelstrom of deceit and corruption in the UFO/ paranormal field? Is there a way to clean up this mess of lunacy and distortion? If we can start to teach people ways to evaluate information better and how to develop smart ways to detect reliable information, we can begin to repair the damage that has been done to this very important topic. We can teach newcomers to the field how to disseminate information, and understand if the source of that information is reliable and accurate. I am optimistic, and have high hopes that this can be done. There are many very intelligent and wise people out there who just need to be shown a few simple tricks that can help them better understand what is closer to the truth. We here at the TFHB website are hoping that we can help by sharing the information/ source reliability systems as a start.