The Trickster/ Paranormal Influences
Are certain people being manipulated by the Phenomenon?
What forces are motivating certain people to become highly interested in unexplained phenomenon? Is it just curiosity or is there more to it? I have wondered for a while, why certain people encounter the unexplained and some do not. Is this by chance, or by design?
The unexplained phenomenon we encounter from time to time seems to be manipulating, influencing or controlling certain aspects of our reality. In a ‘peek a boo’ like fashion, the phenomenon appears as if it is responsible for certain synchronicities or coincidences that many people experience. It reveals itself to specific people and sometimes, drastic consequences ensue. If the phenomenon didn’t want us to see it would have remained hidden. This notion may imply that opportunities to experience this phenomenon are not by chance, but are orchestrated and it seems to demonstrate intent.
Certain people like myself, who have had unexplained experiences or who have witnessed anomalous things, seem to get completely infatuated with the topic. They become obsessed with the unexplained after their encounter, and their lives change drastically, almost consumed by the subject. Their reality has been completely turned upside down by a paradigm shifting event, like seeing a flying saucer or running into a giant hairy thing in the woods. Some people who have witnessed these high strangeness events become researchers and never look back on their old lives. They begin to ask the big philosophical questions and delve deep into spirituality, or become highly interested in healing people or discover they have healing abilities after their encounters. They go down a long windy road, finding new intelligent ways of examining our reality, and seem to be on a path of enlightenment. Could this be the purpose of these encounters? Does the phenomenon have an agenda that is guiding us, or is it trying to confuse and disguise itself? Is it trying to slowly expose itself to certain individuals?
After examining multiple cases of people who have experienced the phenomenon it becomes clear that external forces are manipulating our perceptions and shaping our understanding of the universe. After a person experiences the paranormal, they begin to question their understanding of reality. This is an aspect that should be examined in great detail and researchers should take a very close look at the life changes that have occurred to the individuals who have experienced these supernatural events.
Researchers tend to look at the witness only at the time of their sighting or encounter, and usually only record data and analyze them during that time. Investigators may examine their past to see if there were any previous experiences or to determine their knowledge of the phenomenon before the encounter, but what many don’t do, is observe the events and behaviours of the witness in the following years after the original experience. Researchers should examine the life experiences of these individuals in great detail. We need to create a profile of the witness in a similar fashion to the way the FBI profiles people. We need to ask some new and specific questions. How were their lives changed after the experience? Do they become more spiritual, enlightened or more open minded? Can we compare their outlook on life before and after the experience? How are they influenced by this encounter with the paranormal? Do they become motivated to do certain things related to researching the unexplained? Do they crawl into a hole and don’t ever mention it again? Were they interested in the paranormal or unexplained things before the experience? These are some of the things we must investigate further to get answers and help understand the high strangeness of this topic. We should examine the contactees or experiencer cases in reverse. What did the person, who experienced the unexplained, do in his or her lifetime after the event they experienced? Who did they influence and what did they change in themselves and others? Have they done things they normally wouldn’t have done, based on their experience?
The FREE foundation, BAASS and possibly some government groups are doing some great work looking into this but we need to get some serious money and brains behind these groups, so they can continue to examine these witnesses to the phenomena.
I wonder… Would I be typing this now if I hadn’t had my experiences years ago? It seems unlikely… If I hadn’t have seen an anomalous craft up close in the skies over Vancouver in the middle of the day, I most likely wouldn’t have spent countless hours reading and attempting to understand what I saw. I probably wouldn’t have become obsessed with the topic and would have not have asked as many philosophical questions about our realty. I feel that I have been led down this road mainly by my curiosity in the subject, but I have had many bizarre synchronistic events that have pointed me in a very specific direction. These synchronicities lead to discoveries that seem to shape my understanding of the phenomenon and reality. This tends to make me think something very incredible is going on, and this needs to be investigated very seriously.
In the FREE study by Dr. Edgar Mitchell, and Ray Hernandez they found that after asking 2200 people about their encounters with the E.T.s or extra dimensional beings, 66% said it was a positive experience and only 5% found it negative. The others found the experience somewhere in between.
Although there are many positive experiences reported that relate to a spiritual message, or assisting humanity, the phenomenon operates in a very strange manner. Something very weird is going on, with researchers and people who have experienced these phenomena. There are many amazing positive aspects to it, like psychic abilities and healings reported by experiencers, but when it comes to dissecting the overall agenda of the phenomenon, it gets very complex and problematical.
There is a lot of infighting and major disagreements within the field as to what the nature of the phenomena is. Hoaxers and disinformation plague this very complex topic, but this topic should be able to be investigated and discussed without researchers butting heads, arguing and having completely contradicting ideas of what is occurring. Is this just human failings, or is the phenomenon attempting to confuse and misdirect the entire study of it? You can read a book written by an established researcher only to find out later that other researchers in the field are claiming that many aspects in the book are false, and that the writer is wrong on many points. I have experienced this many times and have become quite frustrated that there are so many discrepancies surrounding some of the best-known cases. The researchers can’t agree on most topics and the various explanations that are given, are contradicted or even debunked by other researchers. Is it possible the phenomena itself is attempting to distort the data by displaying itself in various contradicting manners to the experiencers? That may be a stretch, but I don't think it can be ruled out yet.
One example of this would be the abduction phenomenon and the top hypnosis regression therapists in the field. Dr. John Mack, Budd Hopkins, Kathleen Marden, David Jacobs, and Delores Cannon all seem to be disagreeing to some level, and the data they present contradicts the others. During radio interviews and after reading their books on the abduction cases they studied, you find that they all seem to say that the other isn’t performing the hypnosis properly, or is not using hypnosis techniques in the right manner, or the hypnotist is directing the witness, by asking leading questions, or setting them up for confabulation. Dr. David Jacobs says he doesn’t even hypnotize his patients, he only relaxes his patients. He believes his patients can only access accurate memories with conscious recall, as opposed to the trance state of regression hypnosis. Kathleen Marden says most of the other hypnotic regression therapists are not asking the right questions and are potentially ‘leading the witness’ and their data then becomes corrupted by confabulation. Dr. John Mack says the experiences are mostly positive and spiritual, while Bud Hopkins says the opposite. David Jacobs states that his patients are working with alien hybrids attempting to integrate and take over the planet!
They are all getting some very interesting data, bizarre data. It almost seems like the data reflects the preconceived views of the hypnotist to some extent. It also seems like the experiencers are seeking out the therapist that suits their understanding and perspective of the phenomenon. But, is it possible the witnesses are being manipulated by some unknown force, to seek out certain hypnotists and researchers to confuse and muddle the study of the phenomenon?
Something weird is going on here, and it seems as if some exterior force is playing a game, instructing us or misleading us. Is there a bizarre game of mass confusion being played on us? Or are we just being prodded in a weird way to look beyond our current paradigm? Maybe the phenomenon is nudging us in the right direction to expand our ideas. Or, is it attempting to distort the truth and confuse us all? Is the phenomena just playing a mischievous game to entertain itself?
What makes ask these questions are statements made by some of the top investigators of the phenomenon. Bob Bigelow , founder of N.I.D.S. and Bigelow Aerospace, said some peculiar and interesting things when he was describing the phenomena his team investigated at Skinwalker Ranch…
“The performances didn’t repeat themselves. Each time there was a performance of a sort there was always some unique pattern, there was something that was always changed. So we could be prepared that if this thing changed, or this type of event happened again, we would know what to do. Well that exact same event never happened again. It would always be something completely different. We were always outguessed. Every time we would come up with some method of observation or calibration, we were always outguessed. It became obvious that there we weren’t the ones in control. We were along for the ride and that a lot of these exhibitions were “exhibitions” for gamesmanship or instruction in that kind of context. The phenomenon was playing with us, giving us only a taste here and there of various things an opportunity to see things that were abnormal. Opportunity to cause examinations upon performances of things that were very unique through certain pathological kinds of investigations. And those were opportunities that were very helpful. So, in terms of witnessing things, we witnessed things both on camera, and in person, that we were privileged to witness. We could have easily not have had any opportunities. If the phenomenon did not want us to observe anything, then we wouldn’t have observed anything.”
George Knapp and Colm A. Kelleher wrote an excellent book that describes the paranormal encounters at this Utah ranch and surrounding area. The investigation of the ranch and the experiences that occurred there are a good example of how this phenomenon may be leading us to expand our perspectives and demonstrates that many facets of the paranormal are connected. It is also a great example of how the phenomenon may be toying with us.
Buy the book here!
The phenomenon operates in a very clandestine and manipulating fashion. It operates with impunity appears to whom it wants to, and it evades being measured by our scientific tools. It is highly elusive but still manages to influence millions of witnesses. It seems that this force is pulling the strings, and it leaves synchronistic bread crumbs for individuals to follow. I may read this in the future and laugh at how naive I was, or I may look back and be amazed at the trail of breadcrumbs that led me to new areas of investigation, wondering what forces guide me along this path. This notion may imply that all or most opportunities to experience this phenomenon are not by chance, but they are orchestrated. The phenomena has intent and motivation.
If the phenomenon didn’t want us to see it, it wouldn’t have...